别了 幽暗城!大灾变中希尔瓦娜斯将搬家



  克里斯梅森( the vice president of creative development at Blizzard Entertainment)披露希姐被勒令搬家到吉尔尼斯王国以南地区,原由是部落需要在洛丹伦北部搞一个出海口。由于愤怒之门事件,希尔瓦娜斯不得不按照部落头领说的那样做。


  Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

  In interv iew with Chris Metzen, Metzen revealed that Sylvanas was ordered to move south into Gilneas because the Horde wanted a port in northern Lordaeron. Metzen mentioned that Sylvanas was "in the dog house" with the Horde after the Wrathgate events and has to move when the leadership of the Horde orders her to do so.

上一篇:3.3冰冠城堡新截图 及鲜血女皇拉娜塞尔视频 下一篇:永别了 圣斗士!暴雪对削弱圣骑士的解释