4.3会长AFK30天 可由公会最活跃会员代替
作 者:互联网来 源:互联网编 辑:Lioneldoll发布日期:2011-11-07
4.3测试服已经正式启动,各路消息将陆续出台,关注叶子猪《魔兽世界》专区报道,把握《大地的裂变》最新动向! 在魔兽世界PVE开始以RAID为核心之后,玩家公会扮演者越来越重要的角色,其中公会会长往往掌握着非常重要的权利,比如公会资金的调配、公会会员的管理、公会装备的分配等等。不过如果一个公会会长突然AFK了又怎么办呢?近日,外媒报道在4.3中将会推出弹劾会长的功能。 弹劾会长界面(点击看大图)
根据暴雪蓝帖中描述,如果一个公会会长需要请假,并保持长时间不能参与活动,那么玩家在4.3中可以通过公会选项中的一项新功能来弹劾公会会长,并且推举新的公会领导人。弹劾公会会长非常简单,如果一个公会会长长时间没有上线,一个通告将会出现在公会资讯与事件中,不过这条通知只有有资格胜任会长的会员才能看到。 什么样的会员有资格弹劾会长并竞选下一任会长呢?公会系统将根据会员过去一周登陆进入游戏的玩家进行排名,职级最高的一类会员将有资格点击通知来更换公会会长。目前这项功能在PTR测试服务器中已经开放,不过很可惜,一个AFK30天的公会会长还没有诞生,也没有玩家能够体验到这项新功能。 说起弹劾公会会长,玩家们一定深受体会,尤其是在国服,不少公会会长在处理公会事务中存在私信,将好装备分给自己的亲友、吞并公会财产等事例经常发生。这类公会会长更应该弹劾,期待公会会长弹劾功能不止局限于AFK的公会会长,期待将来能够弹劾哪些处事不公的会长。 蓝贴原文 In the event that a guild leader takes a leave of absence and remains inactive for an extended period of time, it can be difficult for some guilds to carry on as normal. To help assist with these situations, we're introducing a new system in patch 4.3 known as "inactive guild leader replacement" that will allow players of the appropriate rank to take over leadership of a guild from an inactive guild leader via the Guild tab。 The way inactive guild leader replacement works is pretty straightforward. If a guild leader’s character is inactive for 30 days, a notification will appear in the Guild News & Events feed which can only be seen by guild members who are eligible to become the new guild leader. To determine eligibility, the game will look for the highest ranked character in the guild that's logged on in the past week, and any guild member from that rank will be able to request guild leadership simply by clicking on the notification。 As with many actions in World of Warcraft, clicking on the notification will open up a confirmation window which, once accepted, will transition leadership from the inactive guild leader to the first player to request leadership. If guild leadership is changed, the old guild leader will be notified via email to his or her registered Battle.net address. While some players may need to log out and back in before their Guild tab will visually update, the change in leadership will be immediate, with all ranks and permissions remaining in-tact。 Please note that if you're an active leader of a guild, this systemshould notaffect you or your guild. The goal of inactive guild leader replacement is simply to allow guilds which have found themselves without leadership for a long period of time to resolve the situation on their own without the need to contact our In-Game Support department。 Inactive guild leader replacement is currently live on the PTR, but keep in mind that it may be difficult to test, as a guild leader will need to be inactive for a full 30 days before the option to transition leadership will become available。 4.3即将上线 关注更多最新资讯 [编辑:Lioneldoll]
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