一切以正式服上线版本为准 根据当前进展来看,10.0前夕大家可能会玩到全新种族龙希尔。而且龙希尔加入联盟部落的剧情视频已经实装了,下面一起来看看。这两个阵容对于龙希尔的加入反应也是有所不同。 艾比西安和龙希尔抵达奥格瑞玛 对话: 艾比西安:奥格瑞玛。Orgrimmar. 艾比西安:这里的城墙之下聚集了隶属于部落的高贵种族。Within these walls gather the noble races of the Horde. 艾比西安:这是一座建立在力量与荣耀之上的城市。A city built upon a foundation of strength and honor. 鳞长欣戴赛什:这些品质我们也有。Traits my people embody as well. 鳞长欣戴赛什:很惊艳的建筑。Impressive structure. 鳞长欣戴赛什:但什么都无法抵挡暗爪营的力量。But nothing that would hold back the might of the Dark Talons. 艾比西安:我毫不怀疑你们的战士会有很多机会证明自己的力量。I have no doubt your soldiers will be given many chances to prove themselves. 艾比西安:在进去之前,我得换一个形态。 Before we enter, I will assume another form. 艾比西安:这样部落才更容易认出我来。One that is more recognizable to the Horde. 鳞长欣戴赛什:幻容吗。确实,我记得大地守护者也会幻容。A visage. Yes, I remember the Earth-Warder had one too. 鳞长欣戴赛什:看来我们到了。你的盟友在哪里,艾比西安?Well, we have arrived. Where are your allies, Ebyssian? 艾比西安:耐心,欣戴赛什。Patience, Cindrethresh. 艾比西安:我相信我们一定会受到热烈的…… am sure we will receive an appropriate... 艾比西安:……欢迎...welcome 拉希奥和龙希尔抵达暴风城 对话: 拉希奥:敬请见证,暴风城!Behold, Stormwind! 拉希奥:这里是人类王国的首都,联盟王冠上的明珠。Capital of the human kingdom and crown jewel of the Alliance. 拉希奥:统治这里的是一位好朋友……Ruled by a dear, dear friend who is... 拉希奥:……可惜他不在。...sadly absent. 鳞长阿苏拉泰:多宏伟的高墙!Impressive walls. 鳞长阿苏拉泰:这座城市一定能抵挡强大敌人的进攻。This city could withstand attack by a formidable adversary. 鳞长阿苏拉泰:甚至巨龙也不例外。Perhaps even a dragon. 拉希奥:这可不好说。You have no idea. 拉希奥:现在,请原谅我会换成一个更为人熟知的形态,这样登场才礼貌。Now then, to make a proper entrance, pardon me while I assume a more recognizable form. 啊没错。大地守护者也有幻容。Ah, yes. The Earth-Warder too had a visage. 鳞长阿苏拉泰:所以这些……人类认识你?So these... humans know you? 拉希奥:没错!我毫不怀疑他们会张开双臂……Indeed! I have no doubt they will welcome me with open... 拉希奥:……欢迎我。...arms. 以上就是全部内容,更多10.0资讯,请锁定叶子猪《魔兽世界》官方合作专区。 [编辑:大主顾]
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