发表时间:2009-09-04作者:叶子猪来源:叶子猪优惠魔兽世界点卡购买一个在PTR 3.2.2 出现的简单任务,可以说肯定了一些未来新资料片的信息。在达拉然,一个属于:The Highborne声望的高等精灵,委托你送一本书给他在达拉苏斯的朋友,虽然没有后续,但是简单的信息里面已经有一种风雨欲来的感觉。 因为一些原因,把这些避世已久(长期躲在DM 厄运之槌 的那批高精就是他们)的高玩一族,也召唤出来了。 Change is coming! 稍微翻查一下资料,不难发现这些重点: The Highborne:曾经是追随女王艾萨拉的仆人,在远古战争后,大部分和恶魔联盟的族人后来变成了纳迦,一部分则演变成高精,躲在DM 厄运之槌 里面避世。 The Highborne — meaning "children of noble birth" in Darnassian and "high elves" were the upper classes of the Kaldorei civilization and the favored servitors of Queen Azshara. Despite their near-identical physical appearance, the ancient Kaldorei were already split across racial lines as night elves and "Highborn" elves.The Highborne were largely responsible for the War of the Ancients, and most of those Highborne who had allied with the demons and survived the war later became the naga. Those that allied with the Kaldorei Resistance before the last battle of the war evolved into the modern high elves. Today, they are obsolete as an organization as most became high elves after they were exiled from Kalimdor. Even the high elves are few in number because most survivors declared themselves blood elves after the Scourge invasion. One notable exception is the Shen'dralar, a holdout group against the Legion during the War of the Ancients. They were able to defend Eldre'Thalas (Dire Maul) but became isolated from the rest of night elf society。 由此可见,纳迦一族/高精/The Highborne 在新资料片出现并担当重角是差不多肯定的事实,而他们的主子:女王阿兹莎拉,更将可能有很多的戏份。 具体看下面的截图: 图一