Ghostcrawler 消失BUG将在3.3中修复? We have a change for Vanish in place for 3.3. You will get to try it out soon (tm). As promised, if it proves a significant buff to rogues, we may have to compensate elsewhere. Just because it hasn't worked as intended doesn't mean it will be balanced when it does. 我们将在3.3中对消失做出点修改,你们马上就可以亲身体验了。当然如果这给盗贼带来了极大的buff,我们也会考虑在其他方面进行均衡。因为,它(消失技能)没有达到预期的效果并不代表了它正常之后将会表现得非常平衡。 [编辑:whisper]
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