Q. I don't have a question but just a thanks. Thank you for making the Looking For Group tool. It's sooooo useful. A. Yeah, we love it around the office too. There was a lot of pressure to get it right after the first couple of attempts were lackluster. I try not to say stuff like this too often, but I think we really got it right. (Though there are a few kinks to unkink and polish we still plan to add.) 问:我没有问题只是想表示自己的感谢.谢谢你们增添的寻找队伍的工具. 它太太太太太有用了. 答:是的, 在我们的同事里也很喜欢它.最初的几次尝试的并不是很成功,我们修改它也有很多的压力. 我并不想一直提这个, 但是我认为我们终于把它搞定了(尽管我们还有一些小东西要解决和添加的) Q. How much will the incremental buff over time in Icecrown increase health, damage, and healing? A. We haven't completely decided, but something like 5%, similar to the Luck of the Draw buff. 问: 寒冰王冠随时间增加的buff会增加多少的血量, 伤害和治疗? 答: 我们还没有最终决定,不过大概会是5%, 类似于抽奖的buff. Q. Any plans to make early leveling dungeons (Maraudon, Wailing Caverns, etc.) more new-player-friendly (ie. take less time)? A. Yes. We can't overhaul them all, but Cataclysm in a world with the Dungeon Finder means we should try and improve these. 问: 有没有计划让早期的副本(玛拉顿, 哀嚎洞穴等等)更适合新人(花更少的时间)? 答: 有的. 我们不可能一口气改掉他们,但是在大灾变中我们会试着改进. Q. Were there any boss concepts you had for Icecrown Citadel that got cut? Any examples you can give? A. There was early talk of different famous NPCs that could have been corrupted instead of Saurfang Jr. 问: 在冰冠城塞中, 有没有新的概念boss最后没有被采用的?可以举个例子吗? 答: 早期我们曾经讨论过另一个的著名NPC的堕落,而不是小萨鲁法尔. 难道是为了龙大爷?光辉的形象啊 Q. Arthas has been present everywhere in the expansion. Why haven't we seen Blood Queen Lana’thel, Professor Putricide or any of the other bosses in low level zones? A. Because we hadn't created them yet. You saw plenty of a certain undead dragon however. 问: 阿萨斯在资料片中到处赶场子. 为啥我们就没在低级副本中见过拉娜瑟尔女王, 普崔希德教授或者其他的boss? 答:因为那时候我们还没设计他们. : ) 不过某个骨头龙你见过不止一次了 Q. Will there be any more developments on enchanting as a profession? We would love to do fun things like daily quests. A. Sounds like a great thing to add for Cataclysm. We'll have to wait and see though. 问: 还会开发新的专业技能的附魔吗? 我们很喜欢做些有趣的事情, 比如说每日.(每日很有趣吗,我只觉得给的金币有趣) 答: 听上去在大灾变里增加这些很不错. 我们就走着瞧吧 Q. Would you be willing to make personal bank storage look more like guild storage and available to all characters on a realm? A. This is something we discuss a lot. It actually helps with keeping mail volume down as well as a player convenience. 问: 你们会不会吧个人银行做成像公会银行那样,让在同一个服的所有角色都能使用呢? 答: 有关这个问题我们讨论了很多.这对于减少邮件的堆积和方便玩家都非常的好. Q. Will Mal'ganis have any involvement in patch 3.3? A. He will continue to menace you in Culling of Stratholme. 问: 玛尔甘尼斯在3.3里面有什么镜头吗? 答: 他会继续在旧斯坦索姆吓唬你的 : ) 杯具的龙套… 小玛哥:我不甘心啊~~~~~ Q. Will mages ever get to be the true masters of ports? By added more than just the main city's or maybe decide our own areas? A. We've been growing the number of places they can go over time. We'll probably never get to the point where mages ignore ships, mounts or flight paths. 问: 法师会成为真正的传送门大师吗? 除了传送主城以外再增加其他的地方甚至是我们自己选择的? 答: 我们一直以来都在增加法师能传送的地方. 但是我们永远都不会让法师达到可以无视船,坐骑或者飞行的程度. Q. Will the various faction leaders such as Tyrande and Cairne play a part in 3.3 or will they be marginalized? A. We have a lot of NPCs active in the Northrend finale already. I'm not sure those two specifically need to play a big part. At some point your cast of characters is just too big to manage. The finale is a pretty major lore moment though. You'll dig it. 问: 在3.3中,有诸位领袖大人比如泰兰德和凯恩的戏份吗还是他们被边缘化了? 答: 在北极剧情的结束篇我们有很多活跃的NPC. 我不保证以上两位会有太多的戏份. 你说的角色身价太高了不好安排. 结束篇的东西留着你们慢慢的发掘吧. Q. Have you considered making the Battered Hilt BoP? A. Because better items would be available so quickly in the Icecrown raid, we thought we'd get more dynamic gameplay by letting players trade it. It also mirrored the first Quel as well. 问: 你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗? 答: 因为更好的武器在冰冠城塞很快就能得到了, 所以我们决定让玩家可以交易它以增加游戏的流动性.同时,他也和第一把奎尔剑相呼应.
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